A propoos des textes

Voici quelques textes et poemes qui me tiennent a coeur, certains sont de moi d autres d auteurs que j affectionne. ABOUT THE TEXTS Here are some texts and poems that I like, some of them are from me, some others are from authors I like.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

In my ideal life I am a wife, a mother, a hotel business consultant and a writer.

Seven a.m. the alarm is ringing I kiss my husband and go to wake up the kids. As always the oldest one does not want to wake up, therefore I send my little one to do the job. Their father is helping them to put on the clothes prepared in the bathroom the day before. I am downstairs preparing breakfast and feeding the dog. Eight a.m. my beloved ones are leaving. I am getting ready for my ten o’clock appointment with the general manager of a five stars hotel.

The meeting went fine. I am seeing my husband for a snack in a park, telling him about my day. As always, he is listening carefully, he asks me to remind him basic French vocabulary has he is meeting potential French guests at three. He kisses me and leaves. One p.m., I have to visit a hotel, I am nervous as I know that the manager is not following the action plan and will ask for a rebate. Four p.m. already, this old grumpy guy did not get anything from me. My cell phone is ringing off the hook today, my mother, my sister in low, my partner and some guests. After a quick look in a book store I am going to pick up the kids. At five p.m., the dog is happy to see us, my boy goes to play football and my girl helps me to do her dad’s favorite cake. At six p.m. it is time for homework’s. The bell rings, my husband has forgot his keys, he is with his best friend. We are having diner, are asking each other the ‘highs and lows’ of the day, reading stories and kissing the kids before bed.

The friend is gone. Ten p.m. I am collapsing in my husband’s arms for a long chat about us, life, love, kids, projects, people etc. By listening to him I know that everything we do is worth it because we are doing it together.

Once he is asleep, I am checking up on the kids before going at my desk to continue writing my novel ‘Single life’...